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Electric Scooter Takeover | Safety Concerns

July 10, 2019

Electric Scooter Injuries

The electric scooter takeover has been transforming the transportation industry for several years now. These scooters are cheap, fuel efficient, and very easy to ride. Many companies, such as Uber and Lyft, use electric scooters. If you were injured in an accident involving an electric scooter, you need to file your Electric Scooter Injuries claim with a personal injury lawyer today. The sooner you do so, the sooner you can get the full settlement you need to cover your medical bills and lost wages.

Get the Settlement You Need for Your Electric Scooter Injuries

Electric scooter accidents are becoming more common with each passing year. Whether you were injured on a scooter yourself or by a person driving one, you will still face a huge amount of costs related to your injuries.

Not only are there medical bills that need to be paid, there is also the matter of getting full compensation for the wages you have lost from your job. You may have spent so much time recovering in the hospital that you used up all of your allotted sick and vacation days. You may even have been fired from your job. If this is the case, you need to get your full settlement as soon as possible.

You Need Assistance to File Your Electric Scooter Injuries Claim 

What you need is expert legal assistance to file your personal injury accident claim. Whether the person who injured you was riding a Bird electric scooter or Lime electric scooter makes no difference. If you were injured during a collision with a Lyft electric scooter, you deserve to get compensation to cover your medical bills.

The time for you to claim your full electric scooter accident payout is now. If your insurance company balks at paying you the settlement you are owed, you can talk to us. We are the professional Miami personal injury attorney firm that can get you the full settlement that you need to cover your costs.

Call the Miami Personal Injury Attorney You Can Rely on 

If you are ready to file your claim, you will need the backing of an expert personal injury attorney. If your residence is in Miami FL or the surrounding area, you can call our firm today. We know how to get you the professional legal representation you will need to file your Electric Scooter Injuries claim and get the full settlement that you deserve.

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