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Do you have to accept the insurer’s offer on a totaled vehicle?

July 13, 2020

total loss car claims

Were you in a total car loss accident, but feel the insurer’s offer on the totaled vehicle does not reflect the full value? And you want to be reimbursed for the sales tax and other fees charged by your insurance company?  You will need a total car loss accident lawyer and may qualify to join a free total loss car accident class action lawsuit investigation. Shamis & Gentile, P.A. is trusted within the legal community and provides unparalleled levels of customer service. 

A reminder of what happens after a total car loss accident

After a car accident, an insurance adjuster appointed by the relevant insurance company investigates the crash and establishes the damage to the car. If the insurance adjuster finds that the repair cost or loss of value exceeds the insured value, the insurance company may deem the vehicle a “total loss” and offer to reimburse policyholders for the value of the vehicle as of the day of the accident.

Did the insurer’s offer after the total car loss accident include sales tax and other fees?

Total loss car accident class action lawsuits filed against insurance providers claim that insurance companies violate their own contracts, by failing to reimburse policyholders for sales tax, title transfer fees, tag transfer fees and more.  They argue that sales tax and other fees “are components of ‘actual cash value’ under the policy.” And that these costs are mandatory when purchasing or leasing a replacement vehicle.

If you feel the same way, live in Miami, and your vehicle has been written off as a “total loss” under an auto insurance policy in the last five years, you need a total car loss lawyer in Miami. You don’t have to accept the insurer’s offer on a totaled vehicle.

Shamis & Gentile, P.A. can provide a total car loss accident lawyer in Miami, FL.  Contact us today if you were in a total car loss accident in the last five years and were not compensated for sales tax and other fees.  

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