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Sick of Spam Text? Stop Spam Text Messages and Recover up to $1500 Per Violation

July 15, 2019

Spam Text Messages

Are messages spam text clogging up your phone? If you are afraid to even pick up your phone for fear of getting even more of them, it’s time to call us. We are the spam text messages lawyer firm that can help you put a stop to these annoying texts, once and for all. The key is to get in touch with us in order to file your spam text messages claim. Once you do so, you will be on the path to finally being able to give these spammers the blow they deserve that just may put them out of business.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is Here to Stop Spammers 

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was devised and enacted in order to prohibit the harassment of telephone users. If spammers are sending you endless unsolicited robocalls and texts, you can report these violations. In some cases, each spam text that you save can be presented as evidence that will net you a settlement of $1500 per text. This is reason enough for you to hire the services of a TCPA lawyer as soon as possible. It could be the key to finally getting the relief that you deserve.

When the TCPA Law is Violated, it’s Time to Take Action

TCPA law clearly states that each spam call and text is an illegal act. If you have tried other means to stop these spam text messages without result, it’s time for you to get tough. You can file your spam text messages claim with the help of an expert spam text messages lawyer. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can get started on shutting down these spammers by hitting them in the place they dread most — their wallets.

Call a TCPA Lawyer Today to Get Started on Filing Your Claim

If you are ready to receive a settlement of up to $1500 per spam text, it’s time to file your claim with a spam text messages lawyer. You’ve suffered long enough at the hands of these spammers who think they can violate TCPA law with no repercussions. It’s time for you to show them that you won’t be a victim to their endless spamming schemes. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act was enacted for a reason. And the time for you to use this law to shut down these spammers and get justice is now.

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