Report unwanted calls & spam text messages to The Text Message Lawyers at Shamis & Gentile, P.A. Unwanted calls and texts are annoying. Some might be fraudulent or illegal. We know they're a problem and...
Are you sick and tired of being bombarded with spam text messages every day? Now is the time to file your spam text messages claim. This is the best way to finally put a stop...
MIAMI (Legal Newsline) – A consumer alleges a weight loss counseling service unlawfully sent her telemarketing text messages in Miami, Florida. Zoey Bloom, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, filed a complaint...
Shamis & Gentile, P.A. has been featured in Law360 for our initiation of a class action suit against two major tech companies, Lyft Inc., developer of the popular ride-hailing app, and Jobcase, a social network...