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What Are Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits All About?

December 7, 2017

Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

It seems like there are many mesh lawsuits occurring at the same time. How can one find an affordable lawyer in South Florida for representation? What is a transvaginal mesh lawsuit all about?

Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

Women who suffer from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI) might have transvaginal mesh (or bladder slings) implanted. These might be made of synthetic or natural fibers. The primary purpose of this vaginal mesh is to repair damaged tissue. The mesh is designed to promote the growth of healthy cells. On average, 100,000 vaginal mesh procedures are performed annually. The FDA has taken action in response to the higher than normal failure rate of these surgical mesh products.  At least 10 deaths have been documented related to complications from this medical device failure. What are some of the symptoms associated with transvaginal mesh failure?

Transvaginal Mesh Symptoms

The implanted synthetic vaginal mesh product might have sharp edges that can puncture tissue or organs (i.e. bladder, uterus or bowels). There are a number of problems listed in transvaginal mesh lawsuit settlements, including but not limited to the following: migration, organ puncturing and infections. How does transvaginal mesh failure harm the victim? Victims might suffer from back pain, immobility, inability to walk, urinary tract infection (UTI), incontinence and in extreme cases, wrongful death. Many times, victims will develop other problems due to the complications associated with transvaginal mesh failure. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you might be able to join a transvaginal mesh class action lawsuit.

Why Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Settlements?

Many medical device manufacturers will see how the first lawsuit proceeds to gauge their prospects. If they lose a lawsuit, then they are more likely to consider transvaginal mesh lawsuit settlements. Transvaginal mesh lawsuit settlements might apply to class action suits. A transvaginal mesh class action lawsuit can be used to divide money between numerous victims. Turn to the legal professionals to guide you through the maze of medical device lawsuits. We, at the Law firm of Shamis & Gentile P.A., can assign you an attorney who is experienced in litigating transvaginal mesh lawsuits. Trust in the best transvaginal mesh attorney to represent you during trial or negotiations. You can finally get the justice that you deserve.


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