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What You Need to Know About COBRA Notice Procedures

July 6, 2020

COBRA Notice Class Action Lawsuit

Decent health insurance brings peace of mind, especially during difficult times. You need to know more about COBRA notice procedures, as health insurance coverage under COBRA have specific rules that must be adhered to. Employees, spouses, and/or their children are entitled to continued health insurance under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) when they lose their health insurance coverage due to a qualifying life event.  

COBRA requires group health plans to provide covered employees and their families with specific notices that explain their COBRA rights. If, however, you received a flawed or confusing COBRA notice from your employer, you can join a COBRA notice class action lawsuit investigation with the assistance of a COBRA notice lawyer from Shamis & Gentile, P.A.  

COBRA notice procedures require two types of notices

Companies are legally required to provide two COBRA notices to covered employees and their families. They are a COBRA general notice and COBRA election notice. 

COBRA general notice

The COBRA general notice explains what COBRA is, how individuals qualify for it and accompany the Summary Plan description that covers group health care plan benefits. Companies have 90 days after an employee, spouse, or dependent becomes eligible for the company’s group plan to send the general notice. 

COBRA election notice

The COBRA election notice explains how long coverage lasts, how much monthly premiums are and is sent to employees, spouses and their dependents when they lose health care coverage. Companies have 14 days to send the notice out if they use an outside administrator and 44 days if they do not. 

If you experienced a COBRA-qualifying life event but are denied COBRA insurance, never received COBRA eligibility information, or received a deficient COBRA notice, you may be able to file a lawsuit.  Shamis & Gentile, P.A. can provide you with a COBRA notice lawyer in Miami and nationwide. Contact us today if COBRA notice procedures were not correctly followed.

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